Sign Up Now

We are back!  Bring on the spring sports 2025!  Check here at the Special Olympics Pennsylvania sport signups page to sign up for one of spring sports. Fall sports links will be out in mid-summer 2025. 


Check out the locations and site detail list over on the left hand column of this page.  You must sign up for each sport before coming to your first practice.     


While you have time to prepare, check the expiration of your credentials and take the opportunity to renew them.  Contact us if you have any questions!  Please contact SOMC at 

Looking for Young Athletes information?

Go to our Young Athletes tab here for all you need to know to join in the fun. 


Healthy Athletes! Check by clicking on our new page here at SOMC. Or look at the top menu bar! 

Coaches!  Please implement Athlete Performance Training… curious about the coach-driven physical activity, nutrition, and hydration 8 week plan?  There is plenty of help to get your started but contact SOMC if you have questions. Thank you in advance for your participation!

Looking to support us? Donations  add to our capacity to serve more athletes in 2025.   Visit here to donate! Or contact the SOMC office at 215-542-1140, 

If you wish to donate in honor or memory of a loved one, please visit the same link above. 

Our current list of sport sites and contact list for your information.
This is our list of current sites. Check back frequently as we update!
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Our current list of county tournaments
Check back for updates as we finalize dates for our tournaments in 2024 and 2025!
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Greater Philadelphia Region Special Olympics/Team Montgomery

980 Harvest Drive, Suite 203

Blue Bell, PA 19422

Phone: (215) 542-1140

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© Special Olympics of Montgomery County