Continuing Education, Concussion Awareness, Protective Behaviors and General Orientation Requirements.
Special Olympics has instituted a requirement that all Class A Volunteers 16 and over must take Concussion Training, Protective Behaviors Training and General Orientation (a one time requirement.)
Protective Behaviors and Concussion training must be completed every three (3) years.
Current volunteers can renew their online trainings for protective behaviors and concussion training by visiting the Special Olympics Pennsylvania online portal. In the same portal you can see the status of your background clearances, the expiration date included and the status of any sports coach certifications you have attained. You can also change your contact information and password.
Proceed to SOPA’ volunteer center where you can find details and the link to the volunteer portal: Your User ID is your email address you have previously used with Special Olympics. Click on the “Forgot password” and follow the instructions to create a new password.
Coaches are an
indispensable part of Special Olympics. They provide not only the skills training, but also serve as role models and character builders. Coaches give Special Olympic athletes a unique
awareness of their worth, ability, courage, and capacity to grow and improve.
A coach's attitude directly affects the athletes. Special Olympics believes that the athletic experience and camaraderie shared by teammates and coaches is what benefits athletes most.
If you accept the role of a Special Olympics Coach, you hold the key to a promising future for the athletes, as well as a rewarding future for yourself. Visit the Sport Certification and
Continuing Education center to learn how to receive sport training and recertification from Special Olympics Pennsylvania:
Coaches Philosophy
A Coach is an individual who assumes responsibility for athletes, actively trains athletes and coaches them in competitions.
New volunteers:
To begin this highly rewarding experience, please visit: